Thursday, January 28, 2016


India is more than what it is portrayed as. This country is filled with resources but people are merely aware about it. This country may 2nd highest population in this world but we are still least eligible in majority of the criteria. This country needs a change. This change will begin only when this generation of the nation put a step ahead. We the current young generation of this nation will be the guide to the next generation. Lets be the motivation for the coming generations. We have forgot what is our history we have forgot our identity. The country which is rich with all sort of minerals and its values are been exported outside the country. What is produced here are been exported to other nation and it comes back to our nation back with their tag. For an example: Tea leaves are plucked and semi processed and sent to other nations and we get the left over dusts. So are we indians are only eligible for the left overs. in this country the rich is getting richer day by day whereas, the poor is getting poor day by day. How much ever good leaders in this country comes it won't make a difference because the difference should begin with 1 and that is us.It is true that politicians are corrupt but who begins the corruption its us. We want everything to happen immediately its not possible always, few things will take time. If you are going to some government office at the last moment and you expect your work to be done as soon as possible and at that moment you give money to the concerned authorities and when he refuse to take the money we force him....this is were corruption begins. We start the corruption and we blame others. If you want to change then you be the change, one person can make a difference in the whole crowd. We started exporting products now we are in a situation were we started off exporting intelligent graduates, doctors, scientists etc., One of the biggest irony in this country Government sells alcohol in this country, they provide license to it and they promote campaigns telling that "LIQUOR DRINKING IS INJURIOUS TO HEALTH". Government won't ban liquor because it gives one of the highest turnover in money. They ban all the unnecessary things. Our  Prime Minister tries to bring lot of change but he as a single person can't change everything we need to support we need to do a take part. Instead of looking things in the context that its a country and he is the prime minister think as its a team work he is the manager. We want everything to be best but if we work together we can be the best and we can make the best. We being one of the largest democratic republic of this world we look upon other nations. We need other nations to turn their head around and look at India. We need more of government support to the people in India than its foreign investors. The total amount of India debt is more than Rs. 55+ lakh crores and every second the interest is added up about Rs.1,16,584 and per citizen of the country has a debt of Rs.42,965. This is our countries situation currently. Our politicians forgot to guide this country and they started dong business providing food at cheaper rate, then manufacturing their own products. Whats wrong with this nation. I hope that people whoever read this makes some difference in them. I hope instead of people waiting for the change begin the change. BEGIN THE CHANGE WITH YOU.   

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